Healthcare Power Of Attorney - HCPA

Oh, it was a nasty crash. Motorcycles and banana peels really don't belong in the same sentence. Really shoulda worn that helmet.

So now, as you lie there with tubes all up in ya...that beepy thing going beep beep beep in the hospital, still confirming (for the moment, anway) that you're still can't move but you can hear the doc chatting with your little sis, to whom you gave HCPA.

And she goes through the costs of keeping you alive, as you've pierced the maximum capacity on your health insurance. If sis keeps you going, it'll be on her nickel, personally.

You wonder why you gave the noogies. The hairgum treatments. The rubber spider shockers. And worst, the untearable toilet paper treatment. You've given her HCPA, which means that you are incapacitated to make decisions for yourself. And frankly, that non-helmet-wearing thing didn't really put you in good shape to begin with. Your future lies entirely in her hands.'s that feel?

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