Job Footprint

Categories: Econ

A job footprint begs the question, “just how much responsibility as an employee do you have, anyway?” The larger the scope of a worker’s role in a business, the larger their job footprint is. In general, the larger your job footprint is, the larger salary you can expect to have, though that’s more of an implication than anything else.

If you worked at a fast food place with your sole job being to tear off straw wrappers, but leaving the top bit for sanitary-conscious customers, your job footprint...and your income...will be much smaller than the inventory manager who has to juggle how much of everything to buy, and makes sure not to ever be short (lose business) or have too much (food goes bad).

Yep, that also means you should probably start wearing shoes to work...nobody needs to see your actual footprint. That’s an off-the-clock kind of thing.

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