Categories: Index Funds

See: MSCI. The EMU index? Isn't that some measurement of the height of those ostrich-like things? Okay, maybe not.

The Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) has its own eurozone (countries with euros) market capitalization weighted index (an equity index, where the equity is the aggregated dollar amount of companies’ outstanding shares), the MSCI EMU Index.

Notably, the index was created when mutual funds just didn't have a relevant bogey to be measured against. The "C" in the MSCI stands for Capital Research, the managers of the American Funds mutual fund group. They worked with MS to get this index out there, but because Capital Research doesn't advertise its own brand name, they basically let MS take all the credit.

The MSCI EMU Index tracks over 80% of the eurozone’s (public) market capitalization in almost a dozen EU countries, with France and Germany each making up almost a third of the index. EMU stands for “European Monetary Union.”

You can invest in the MSCI EMU Index via the iShares MSCI EMU Index Fund to get wide exposure to the eurozone market. Bask in those eurozone know you want to.

See: MSCI.

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