
Example 1

According to my Aunt Judy, if you don't wait an hour after eating to go swimming, your colon will explode.

While we can't vouch for Aunt Judy's understanding of how the human body works, we can say with complete confidence that according to is a phrasal preposition that links dear old Aunt Judy, the object of the preposition, to the rest of the sentence.

Example 2

Harlan can't go through the metal detector at the airport on account of the metal plates in his head.

What a hassle. And what a phrasal preposition! In this example, on account of links its object, plates, to the rest of the sentence.

Example 3

Dominic loaded his plate with pancakes in spite of his New Year's resolution to stop eating circular foods.

Here, in spite of is a phrasal preposition that links its object, New Year's resolution, to the rest of the sentence.