Helping Verbs

Helping verbs, also known to their friends (they have a lot; they're so helpful) as auxiliary verbs, help the main verb show when the action happened; they can also help the verb ask questions.

How nice of them.

The main verb, plus one or more helping verbs, forms a verb phrase.

  • am, are
  • be, been, being
  • did, do, does
  • had, has, have
  • is, was, were
  • can, could
  • may, might
  • must, ought to
  • shall, should
  • will, would

*The word not is never a helping verb. When it comes to picking out helping verbs, it just gets in the way. Not is to a verb phrase what a speed bump is to a leafy residential street—especially when you're late for school.


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