Family Feud Quotes

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Source: Family Feud

Speaker: Family Feud Hosts

Survey says!


This famous line is shouted by all the hosts of the game show Family Feud over the years (1976 – present).

On the original Family Feud, hosted by Richard Dawson, families would shake hands before dueling each other to the death.

Okay, not the death; but game show battles can be intense. Basically, contestants attempt to guess what a hundred people said in a variety of survey questions like "Name an animal with really good sight" (the answer is not "bat") or "During what month of pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant?" (omg the answer is not "September").

After the teams pick an answer, the host shouts "Survey says!" If their answer is on the board, it's revealed. If not, they get a giant red X and a loud buzzing sound that seriously scares us every single time.

Since 1976, Family Feud has had a half dozen hosts wondering what the survey says: Richard Dawson (the best), Ray Combs (who looked particularly good in a suit), Louie Anderson (the only thing he was worse at was high diving), Richard Karn (Al from Home Improvement), John O'Hurley (Mr. Peterman from Seinfeld), and Steve Harvey (and his mustache).

Where you've heard it

If you ever need to take a lunchtime poll or you're wondering what a group of people thinks about a particular subject, you'll probably pull out this quote. It's also used in the media pretty much any time a survey is done—or when stupid Family Feud answers sweep the internets.

Additional Notable References

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

It's nice to wonder what other people think of important questions, like "Name a place on your body a doctor might look at with a little flashlight." Family Feud is a timeless barometer of American attitudes on these crucial issues.