12 Angry Men Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from 12 Angry Men.

Quote #4

JUROR #9: Certain things should be pointed out to this man.

Even after the other jurors have tried to calm him down, Juror #9 wants to give #10 a piece of his mind. After all, it's hard to get comfortable in a jury room when you know one of the jurors wants to convict the defendant just because of the defendant's race.

Quote #5

JUROR #10: Sure, there's some good things about 'em, too. I'm the first one to say that. I've known a couple who were OK, but that's the exception.

When he realizes that the other men aren't nearly as racist as he is, Juror #10 tries a classic racist backpedal, which is to say that some people of color are okay. #10 actually thinks this is a pretty enlightened thing to say, but all he's actually doing is showing the others how narrow-minded he is on the subject of race.

Quote #6

JUROR #10: Most of 'em, it's like they have no feelings! They can do anything!

In a final flurry of madness, Juror #10 starts shouting about how much he hates people of color. By this point, no one is listening to him, and he's talking out of sheer desperation.