1984 Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory

Victory Gin, Victory Cigarettes

(Click the symbolism infographic to download.) Discontented with his life, Winston turns to vices as a means of escape and self-medication. In Winston’s case, it’s alcohol and cigarettes. He...

The Red-Armed Prole Woman

(Click the symbolism infographic to download.) Winston sees this woman as a symbol of freedom. Party members never sing, but hearing her song through the window of his rented room fills Winston â...

The paperweight, the old man in the prole bar, St. Clement's Church

(Click the symbolism infographic to download.) The paperweight and St. Clement’s Church have SYMBOL written all over them. These items are remnants of the past that, because of the Party’s c...

The ubiquitously placed Telescreens

(Click the symbolism infographic to download.) With their dual ability to blast Party propaganda and to view and hear the exact goings-on in a room, these telescreens are a visible symbol as wel...

Big Brother

(Click the symbolism infographic to download.) BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. Scared yet? Big Brother is the face of the Party, the leader behind the great power. The best part is that we never com...

Emmanuel Goldstein

(Click the symbolism infographic to download.) The ultimate symbol of opposition to the Party, we are not sure whether Goldstein actually exists. Publicly, he is known as a Party enemy, but he ac...

Julia's Scarlet Anti-Sex Waist Sash

(Click the symbolism infographic to download.) This represents a citizen’s devotion to Party doctrine and Party cause. A symbol of chastity in the book, Julia’s sash actually represents her d...

Winston's Mother

(Click the symbolism infographic to download.) Appearing only in his dreams and memories, Winston’s mother represents better, pre-Party days when life was safe and not quite so oppressive. As t...

The Place Where There Is No Darkness

(Click the symbolism infographic to download.) This phrase first comes to Winston in a dream, when he imagines that this is where O’Brien wants to meet him. Heavy foreshadowing here, because he...

Winston's Varicose Ulcer Above His Ankle

(Click the symbolism infographic to download.) A thing that swells and itches, and after you scratch it, flakes. Sounds gruesome, right? So is sexual repression. Have you noticed how the ulcer se...

Memory Holes

(Click the symbolism infographic to download.) These were only briefly mentioned in the novel, but that doesn’t mean they are unimportant. Memory holes are those things in the ground that the P...