1984 Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Since its publication, 1984 has been challenged, and subsequently banned, in select states and countries due to its revolutionary, communist, socialist, and/or sexually explicit content. (Source)

David Bowie wrote a song "1984" which may or may not implicitly reference Orwell. We think so, but we’re obsessed with this book. And because of the lines: "They'll split your pretty cranium, and fill it full of air" and "beware the savage jaw of 1984." (Source)

When Apple released Macintosh in 1984, they did it with the greatest Superbowl commercial ever, made up of scenes from the movie production of 1984. It was quickly hailed as one of the greatest advertisements in history. "Big Brother" was portrayed as IBM, naturally, and the commercial was directed by Ridley Scott. (Source)