2001: A Space Odyssey Resources


Arthur C. Clarke, In Interspace

ArthurCClarke.net, the "Home to all things Clarkean", as the site says. Biography, bibliography, interviews, photographs, and more.

2001: A Space Website

A site devoted to the film and novel; includes audio clips, film stills, essays, and links.

Movie or TV Productions

Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this.

The famous 1968 film by Stanley Kubrick, which preceded the novel. The future has cavemen, monliths, and lots of flashing lights.

Articles and Interviews

"Science fiction does not attempt to predict. It extrapolates. It just says what if?"

A lengthy 1995 interview with Arthur C. Clarke.

Mind. Blown.

A critic gushes about Stanley Kubrick's film.

"See the Movie, Read the Book"

The New York Times 1968 review of both the book and the film.


Why Was the Supercomputer Born in Urbana?

Roger Ebert talks to Arthur C. Clarke in 1997, on the occasion of Clarke publishing his last sequel to 2001.

Millions of Years Ago, Before the Human Race Existed

The trailer to 2001: A Space Odyssey.


Tum, Tum…Dum Dum!~

Richard Strauss' Also Sprach Zarathustra, used as the theme for 2001: A Space Odyssey


What Do the Aliens Look Like?

An image of the aliens from 2001—shot by Kubrick, but never used in his film.

The First Cover

This is the original cover of the 1968 novel.