The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

It was a mighty view and it made King Derwin feel mighty important. (3)

Funny how owning a view can make us feel really important since it's just the thing we see out our window. It's kind of like how lawns were created to gauge how awesomely luxurious or valuable a home, and by proxy its occupants, are.

Quote #2

The King was now shaking with such fury that the carriage rocked on its wheels and the Royal Coachman could hardly sit in his seat. "Arrest this impudent trickster," shouted the King to the Captain of the King's Own Guards. "We'll teach him to take off his hat." (37)

Come one, Kingy Boy. It's not like Bartholomew put a spell on his hat. He's clearly as surprised as you, so it's just foolish to arrest him. Here's hoping the incident doesn't end up on his permanent record.

Quote #3

"Screebees!" screamed Sir Snipps, leaping in the air higher than he was tall. Then he turned and ran shrieking out of the Throne Room. (62)

Snipps is a pretty foolish character. He thinks he can remove a hat on account that he's an awesome hatmaker. Boy, does he learn his humbling lesson.