A Break With Charity Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Let us now diminish the power of those evil angels. Let us send them back, for all time, from whence they came. Will ye not do this with me here today? Will ye not soften your hearts now to this young woman who has thrown herself upon your mercy? Will ye not heal the wounds of this community for all time, for yourselves and for your children, by forgiving her sin?" (Epilogue.43)

It's 1706 and the Salem community has definitely been through some rough patches. Like that whole witch hullaballoo. But now the new guy in town, Reverend Green, wants to bring the community back together, and he knows that forgiving Ann is the way to do it. By the end of the book, do you feel like the Salem community has come back together?