A Great and Terrible Beauty Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

To be found alone with a man is shocking—a reason for a quick and necessary wedding. But to be found with a Gypsy! If I were to tell, Felicity would be ruined for life. (10.24)

Not only does a person in the upper class have to have money, but they also have to marry money and position—so Felicity making out with the Gypsy boy is about as scandalous as things get, since even if he had money he'd lack position just because he isn't white.

Quote #8

He mimics the high, prim voice of a society matron. "'Oh, did you hear about her? Oh, my dear, yes, caught in the woods with a heathen.' Tell your friend to stick to her own kind and stop toying with Ithal." (11.18)

Are there differences between Felicity's treatment of Ithal and Gemma's treatment of Kartik? What do you make of Kartik's insistence that Felicity leave Ithal alone?

Quote #9

"I'm going to have many men." She says this matter-of-factly, as if commenting on the weather, but she has to know she's being scandalous. (13.112)

Felicity makes this claim in the cave one night while the girls are drinking, but we're thinking there's simply no way she'd risk compromising her social status by taking such a risk.