A Great and Terrible Beauty Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We've been reading the diary of a dead girl." Felicity shudders. "There's something terribly creepy about that."

"Do you suppose," Ann says, "that any of what Mary wrote could be true? The supernatural part?" (17.59-60)

Ah-ha—we are getting closer to knowing the truth behind what is going on, or at least Gemma's friends are. We already knew that what Marry wrote was probably true, seeing how Gemma has communed with spirits and all, nut now we know more about who Mary Dowd is, which seems important. And even more importantly, we see that Sarah is really bad.

Quote #5

I don't realize that I'm holding Madame Romanoff's hand with all my strength, because there's a sudden flare of light, like the world opening up, and I'm falling into that tunnel again, my rage pulling me down fast.

But this time, I'm not alone.

Somehow, I've managed to bring Madame Romanoff along, as I almost did with Pippa. (21.59-61)

In this scene we see some of the power Gemma possesses. She talks with spirits and visits another world, with another human there with her as proof that she is not just imagining things. This place is real, and Gemma is definitely clairvoyant.

Quote #6

Whispers grow in the corners of the cave. They swell into a hum. The next second, the world drops out from under me. Felicity is holding my hand tighter. Pippa gasps. They're frightened. A tingling flows down my arms, connecting me to the others. (22.33)

Gemma is growing bolder with her knowledge of her supernatural powers. She is now not just controlled by them, but choosing to take her friends into the other world, called the realms. Gemma is becoming more of a leader than a follower.