A Modest Proposal The Proposer (Narrator) Quotes

I can think of no one objection that will possibly be raised against this proposal, unless it should be urged that the number of people will be thereby much lessened in the kingdom. (28)

Let's just say that Swift knows his audience. He's weeding out the people who care from the hardhearted majority.

This I freely own, and it was indeed one principal design in offering it to the world. (28)

Swift says he's proposing this solution to "the world," but is he addressing an audience broader than Ireland and England? Who else might take interest in Ireland's problems?

Therefore I repeat, let no man talk to me of these and the like expedients till he hath at least some glimpse of hope that there will ever be some hearty and sincere attempt to put them in practice. (29)

Like we mention in our "Summary," Swift had plenty of ideas to boost Ireland's economy. He was especially keen on encouraging agricultural development.