A Russian Beauty Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

She was still the same beauty, with that enchanting slant of the widely spaced eyes and with that rarest line of lips into which the geometry of the smile seems to be already inscribed. But her hair lost its shine and was poorly cut. Her black tailored suit was in its fourth year. (10)

How do you think Olga looks to most people at this point? Do you think she still looks beautiful, or does she look ugly now because she can't maintain her beauty regimen?

Quote #5

Now she avidly took up arranging Olga's fate. "The matchmaker within you has been aroused," joked her husband, an elderly Balt (shaven head, monocle). (13)

There are literally four words Nabokov uses to describe Vera's husband, and two of them are about his appearance. Why do you think it's so important that we know what he looks like?

Quote #6

Olga arrived on a bright August day. She was immediately dressed in one of Vera's frocks, her hairdo and make-up were changed. (13)

Notice how easy it is to change Olga's appearance. All she needs is a new dress and a little makeup and she's the bell of the ball. Is it that easy to change her social status?