A Small Place Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Our perception of this Antigua—the perception we had of this place ruled by these bad-minded people—was not a political perception. The English were ill-mannered, not racists. (2.5)

Despite all of this, most Antiguans did not see the English as racists, but as jerks. This is a testament to the way that systematic racism can burrow into a culture without anyone realizing it.

Quote #8

She told me that she always encouraged her girls and her girls' children to use the library, and by her girls she means grownup Antiguan women. (3.1)

This is a classic dehumanization tactic. By equating adult women with children, this rich lady (a member of the Mill Reef Club, it must be mentioned) is showing how little respect she has for the people who work for her day in and day out.

Quote #9

I could see the pleasure she took in pointing out to me the gutter into which self-governing—black—Antigua had placed itself. (3.1)

Although the woman from the Mill Reef Club pretends to love Antigua, she's enjoying some serious schadenfreude at the state of the country—it validates her racist beliefs.