A White Heron Resources


Sarah Orne Jewett Text Project

The Sarah Orne Jewett Text Project is pulling a trifecta, featuring full stories written by Sarah Orne Jewett, tons of biographical information, and a spoonful of literary criticism to boot.

Bird Education Network

Do you love birds? Then visit the Bird Education Network to learn a little more about our fine, feathered friends.


Sarah Orne Jewett Obituary

It's never fun to read an obituary, but this one gives us a great deal of insight into Sarah Orne Jewett's life work.

"River Driftwood" by Sarah Orne Jewett

This might not be an article about Sarah Orne Jewett, per-say, but the fact that we can access this short story written by her in the 1800s on The Atlantic's website is pretty darn magical.


Put a Bird On It

By it we mean your computer screen, and by bird we mean a white heron.

Reading for the Rest of Us—Episode 4

Although this roundtable discussion doesn't touch directly on "A White Heron," it focuses on other Jewett stories with similar themes and techniques.


"A White Heron" Audiobook

Eyes too tired to do some reading? Click the link and enjoy a complimentary audiobook of the story, on us.