Absalom, Absalom! Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Sutpen] had been told to go around to the back door even before he could state his errand. (7.7)

In this pivotal moment, a black butler sends Sutpen to the back door of the mansion. This is his first direct experience with class discrimination and it changes the course of his life forever.

Quote #8

"You got to have land and n*****s and a fine house to combat them with. You see?" and he said Yes again. He left that night. He waked before day and departed just like he went to bed by rising from the pallet and tiptoeing out of the house. He never saw any of his family again. (7.9)

Once Sutpen realizes what it will take to build his dynasty and enact his own form of revenge, he never looks back. He leaves his family behind and sets off to reinvent himself.