The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Chapter 29 Summary


  • Arnold and his family go to the cemetery to clean the graves of Grandmother Spirit, Eugene, and Mary. Dad brings his saxophone and Mom packs a picnic. The two adults hold hands. Arnold's Mom tells him she's proud of him.
  • Arnold is happy, but he cries and cries. For his sister, for himself, for his tribe—many of whom will keep on dying from alcohol and never leave the rez. He feels alone because he was the only one crazy and arrogant enough to leave the reservation.
  • Arnold realizes, though, that he might be an Indian, and alone in many ways, but he is also a cartoonist, and a boy, and a son, and million other things. And that's when he knows he'll be okay.
  • Then he misses Rowdy. He wants to hug him and for Rowdy to forgive him.