Adam's Curse Resources


The Life and Times of William Butler Yeats

Check out more on the poet, who was quite a character.

Yeats Society

He's Ireland's most famous poet, and that's a pretty big deal. The Yeats Society keeps his importance fresh in his native land.

The Poems

Want more Yeats? Here's a ton of his poems, alphabetized and digitized.


"Adam's Curse," the Music Video

Check out this super-slick video for the poem.

Irish Countryside

Check out the area of Sligo, where Yeats grew up. It's even unofficially known as "Yeats Country."


A Serious Take

We just love this deep, rich reading.

A Different Take

This is another reader's version. We think the accent actually adds to the poem's effect.

Yeats Does Yeats

Check out this super-rare and awesome recording of the poet himself.


The Man

Here's Yeats himself, with a killer pair of spectacles.

His Muse

This is Maud Gonne, the object of Yeats' (unrequited) affection.

Articles and Interviews

Casual Talk in Poetry

Check out this article about Yeats' tone in "Adam's Curse."

Yeats' Obituary

This comes courtesy of the NY Times.

Yeats Today

This article shows how his influence is still felt in Ireland, and elsewhere.


The Collected Works

Get all the poems, in one handy (and big) book.