Alanna: The First Adventure Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You poor child," she chuckled. "Did no one ever tell you of a woman's monthly cycle? The fertility cycle?" (6.36)

Turns out Alanna didn't have basic sex education in page training. We're guessing no one gets basic sex education in Tortall, but we at least hope that moms let their daughters know how to handle their periods. If you'll recall, Alanna's mother died giving birth to her and Thom. So she's out of luck when it comes to knowing how to go with the flow (ha ha).

Quote #8

"I'll tell them the truth when I'm eighteen and I have my shield." She sighed. "If they hate me—well—I'll have proved I can be a knight, won't I? I'll go into the world and have adventures. They needn't ever see me again." (6.63)

Alanna's got a plan for when she comes of age as an adult and becomes a knight: she'll disappear. Wait, maybe that's not such a great plan, as George points out during this conversation. Earning her shield may be tangible proof that she's all grown up—but running away isn't exactly a mature reaction.

Quote #9

Jonathan […] made friends with the most dangerous thieves and murderers in the Eastern lands. He learned to pick pockets and throw dice with ease…He was seeing life very differently from the way it was seen from the palace, and he was eager to learn all he could. (6.266)

As the heir to the throne, Jonathan has a comfy life, but he's super excited to explore the capital city's underbelly. For Jonathan, coming of age means getting outside of his comfort zone and learning how the other half lives—or in some cases, doesn't live.