Alanna: The First Adventure Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Coram had been trained as a blacksmith, but he had once been one of the best of the King's foot soldiers…Now he wanted to be with the King's soldiers again, but not if they were going to laugh at him because he had a weakling for a master. (1.73)

Newsflash: patriarchy hurts men and women. To Coram, it's so important to be tough and warriorlike that he's actually embarrassed by Thom. Further, Coram worries that his young charge will embarrass him by not living up to everyone's standards for masculine warriorness. Turns out that rigid gender roles trap for everyone.

Quote #8

The one called Ylira laughed scornfully as Alanna tried to cover herself with her hands. "A girl who hopes to protect her prince? A jest indeed!" (7.126)

The Ysandir are not very progressive in their attitude toward gender. You'd think since they're, like, ancient that they'd also be wise…but nope, it's inconceivable to them that Alanna could protect anyone. We're glad that she goes on to whoop them in a magical battle.

Quote #9

"But I thought I'd raised ye with somethin' to ye. I didn't think I was bringing up another soft noble lady—" "I'm not a soft noble lady!" Alanna cried. (2.147)

Coram calling Alanna a "soft noble lady" obviously strikes a nerve. She thinks of herself as tough in a way that most noble girls are not: she can use a bow to hunt, she can ride a horse, all that good stuff. In short, she is a special unique snowflake. Aren't we all?