Alas, Babylon Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

With the use of the hydrogen bomb, the Christian era was dead, and with it must die the tradition of the Good Samaritan. (5.69)

Although Randy as his pals manage to stay true to their moral code, they all know that the only law now is survival. That might sound like the logline for a particularly cheesy late-night action flick, but it's also pretty true in this instance.

Quote #2

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Quisenberry," she said, "but I can't send this. Jacksonville doesn't seem to be there any more." (5.174)

This exchange is too great not to include. Edgar Quisenberry dropped by the Washington Mutual expecting advice about how to handle a short-term downturn, but what he got was the biggest mind-blow of all-time. Priceless.

Quote #3

There was a phrase he had heard a number of times, "the end of civilization as we know it." Now he knew what the phrase meant. It meant the end of money. (5.228)

For a banker like Mr. Quisenberry, money makes the world go 'round. And it did. Emphasis on did. In this new world, men like Edgar no longer enjoy their vaunted status as community leaders and the many luxuries afforded by it.