Alas, Babylon Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Could nuclear war have been avoided? If so, explain your answer.
  2. Is there any scenario in which Mark survives? How would that impact the survivors in Fort Repose?
  3. In what ways are Mark and Randy Bragg similar? In what ways are they different?
  4. How does the novel portray gender roles? Do you disagree with this depiction?
  5. Are there any positive effects to the nuclear war? If so, explain.
  6. In your opinion, is a nuclear war likely in reality? Defend your position.
  7. How would the novel be different if another character took leadership of the community? Who would be best suited for the role?
  8. What will Peyton and Ben Franklin be like when they're older? How will the nuclear war shape them?
  9. What are the long-term prospects of survival for the main characters? Describe what you think their future will be like.