
Equations and Inequalities Resources


Basic Mathematics—Algebra Word Problems

If you've got a hankering to study more word problems and see how they are solved, this is the link for you.

Purplemath—Solving Linear Inequalities: Introduction and Formatting

Inequalities making you feel like a less-than-stellar student? Want to be greater than you've ever been before at solving linear inequalities? Purplemath is a Shmoop-approved resource for reaching your full potential.

Coolmath—Absolute Value Equations

Wow! Such math! Cool solving! Great helping!


Baby Got Flipped—Inequalities

Don't get mixed up when multiplying or dividing by negative numbers in an inequality. Instead, Mix-A-Lot by flipping those signs around while listening to this quick rap.

Khan Academy—Absolute Value Inequalities

Let Khaaaan! stop absolute value inequalities from being absolutely confusing.

Videojug Education—How to Interpret Hard Word Problems in Algebra

How come we always have to translate from words into math? Why not start with an equation, and have us come up with a story about it? That would be a lot easier, and more fun. While we try to convince teachers to try that kind of problem out, here's a tutorial on working through word problems.

Games and Tools

Wolfram—Absolute Value Equations Calculator

A machine capable of solving absolute value equations—what's next, a machine for making toast?

CRCT Lessons—Absolute Value Equations Game

Someday, someone might offer you a million dollars if you can answer 12 questions about absolute value equations. Use this quiz to practice for that day.

Quia—Solving Compound Inequalities

Another chance at a million dollars, this time for solving compound inequalities? Our chances of getting rich keep going up.

Quia—Solving Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities

Jeopardy and math go together like Bigfoot and conditioner: they should hang out together more often.