All My Sons Joe Keller Quotes

Joe Keller

Quote 22

Keller: Don't look at me like that, he didn't tell me any more than he told you. (1.286)

Not true, Joe! He knows full well that Chris wants to marry Ann. But out of fear of losing his wife's support, he evades confrontation with her.

Joe Keller

Quote 23

Keller: That's the only way you lick 'em is guts! (1.446)

Joe has just recounted his version of the story of his crime, concluding with a victorious stroll back into the neighborhood after his exoneration. A kind of false courage. Real courage would have been acknowledging the wrong he did – or, in the first place, holding life more sacred than a profit.

Keller: As long as I know him, twenty-five years, the man never learned how to take the blame. You know that, George. (2.423)

Joe brings up a number of examples of Steve's cowardice to get George on his side. It's pretty insidious the way he (and Kate, for that matter) try to seduce George into complicity with their family.