All My Sons Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #4

Mother: I don't know. [She speaks with warning.] He's a lawyer now, Joe. George is a lawyer. (1.610)

Kate fears that the retribution she has been expecting may be coming now, in the form of vengeful George. He's more dangerous now that he's a lawyer. Joe and Kate have got to be on their game when this guy arrives.

Quote #5

Chris: George, you don't want to be the voice of God, do you? (2.238)

Like his father, Chris wants George to "see it human." Chris is a compromising moral relativist long before he realizes it at the end of the play.

Quote #6

George: The court didn't know your father! But you know him. You know in your heart Joe did it. (2.256)

George doesn't believe the court carried out justice. So he's trying to carry out a little bit here by taking Ann away from Chris.