All the Bright Places Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Even when we weren't wandering, even from the floor of your closet, you showed the world to me. (55.57)

We're pretty impressed that Finch managed to lure his normal otherwise normal girlfriend into the closet where he was living. Now, that's charm.

Quote #8

And then I find it in my bag, on my third time checking, as if it appeared out of thin air. I spread it out and look at the remaining points that are circled. There are five more places to see on my own. (55.63)

Needless to say, Violet goes to these five places, where Finch has left little signs and gifts for her to see. It's sad, but it brings her some comfort.

Quote #9

I don't need to worry that Finch and I never filmed our wanderings. It's okay that we didn't collect souvenirs or that we never had time to pull it all together in a way that made sense to anyone else but us. The thing I realize is that it's not what you take, but it's what you leave. (58.44-58.45)

It's comforts Violet to know that, while she doesn't have a ton of photos or anything like that, she has memories of Finch. She vows to remember him even though it hurts.