All the Bright Places Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I suggest a field trip. We need to see the wondrous sights of Indiana while we still can, because at least three of us in this room are going to graduate and leave our great state at the end of this year…." (3.11)

Finch is all about field trips, but Mr. Black is a step ahead of him. He wants his students to take more than one field trip around the glorious state of Indiana.

Quote #2

"You'll be departing our…great state, and before…you do, you should…see it. You should…wander…." (3.13)

Just FYI, this is how Mr. Black talks. (We didn't leave anything out.) He wants his students to gather their rosebuds while they may.

Quote #3

I've got a map in my car that wants to be used, and I think there are places we can go that need to be seen. Maybe no one else will ever visit them and appreciate them or take the time to think they're important, but maybe even the smallest places mean something. (3.84)

Finch is pretty, pretty, pretty excited about this road trip. So excited that he sent the longest chat ever in the history of chatting, excerpted here.