Almost Famous Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Almost Famous.

Quote #7

RUSSELL: See, I grew up with these guys, but I can't play all that I can play. I'm past them as musicians. But the more popular we get, the bigger their houses get, the more responsibilities, the pressure, you know—the harder it gets for me to walk out on them.

Russell knows that in some ways, Stillwater limits his potential. He is conflicted, because as a musician, he has certain aspirations. But he also has this responsibility he feels toward his band-mates. His preoccupation with this conflict, however, prevents him from fully fulfilling either responsibility.

Quote #8

RUSSELL: From here on out, I am only interested in what is real. Real people, real feelings, that's it, that's all I'm interested in.

For a night, Russell becomes obsessed with everything that is "real." There's an integrity or purity that he thinks is disappearing from his life and from the world of rock and roll. Of course, in Russell's pursuit of what is real, he winds up shirking his responsibilities to the band and tripping on acid on a rooftop, yelling stuff like "I am a golden god." In other words, he gets more out of touch with reality than ever.

Quote #9

LESTER: The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.

Lester's line to William in his greatest moment of self-doubt is a profound commentary on human connection. Lester knows what it feels like to be down and out, and he's there for William when no one else is.