Production Studio

Production Studio

The Jinks/Cohen Company actually started when Dan Jinks and Bruce Cohen teamed up to produce American Beauty. They went on to work on other projects that earned critical praise, including Milk and Big Fish, as well as television's Pushing Daisies.

What do those projects have in common? Well, all of them tell stories that are outside the realm of typical human experience, and Pushing Daisies and Big Fish were definitely pretty quirky—kind of like American Beauty is.

Pushing Daisies, Big Fish, and American Beauty also share a kind of supernatural or fantasy element. What, you don't think that Lester Burnham narrating to us from beyond the grave counts? We say it does.

The Jinks/Cohen production company dissolved in 2010, but the pair has continued to work together at Warner Brothers on television projects (such as Pushing Daisies).

And given the impressiveness of the output, you can color us relieved that they're still out there doing their thing.