Among the Hidden Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"This says the Population Law was totally unnecessary and cruel. It says there was plenty of food, even during the famines, except that the Barons were hoarding it." Belatedly, he remembered that Jen was a Baron. "Sorry."

Jen shrugged, not the least bit offended. (19.33-34)

This is actually really cool of Jen. Her family may have money, but she knows that something's wrong with this huge class gap. We have a feeling that if Jen was a Baron during the famines, she would be the last one hoarding food.

Quote #5

"And one of the kids had a dog he brought with him sometimes, and we all took turns feeding it dog biscuits."

"These people had pets, too?" Luke asked incredulously.

"Well, you know, they were Barons," Jen said. (21.25-27)

Barons don't have time to bother with trivial things like obeying the law. But honestly, if we had to choose between following the law and having a Great Dane best friend named Puppy, it'd be a tough call. A really tough call.

Quote #6

Who did she think she was? He tramped up the stairs. She'd always thought she was better than him, just because she was a Baron, showing off with her soda and her potato chips and her fancy computer. So what? It didn't mean she was special, just because her parents had lots of money. (23.1)

It's easy to take cheap shots when you're angry, but Luke points out something important. Technically, Jen doesn't have money: her parents do. Would Jen feel differently if the money were hers?