Among the Hidden Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What they're talking about"--she pointed at the computer screen--"is taking on a fake identity permanently. Most shadow kids do that eventually--they go live with another family and pretend to be someone they aren't for the rest of their lives." (20.18)

If you had to choose between your family and your freedom, what would you decide? Yeah, tough choice—especially for a couple of twelve-year-olds.

Quote #8

He didn't care about the clothes, but he wished they'd let him keep his name, at least. (30.2)

Luke needs to bust out in some Jim Croce and let the Government know that he already has a name. Just goes to show how closely names and identities are intertwined.

Quote #9

The real Lee Grant was a Baron. He had died in a skiing accident just the night before. His parents wanted nothing to do with Luke--"too painful," Jen's father had explained--but they had agreed to donate their son's name and identity card the way people had once donated hearts and kidneys. (30.4)

Trading identities like Pokémon cards doesn't really make them seem special. However, equating an I.D. to be as important as hearts and kidneys? That's a powerful indicator of just how important legal identity is.