And Then There Were None Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“That damned fool, he believed every word I said to him. It was easy... I must be careful, though, very careful.” (11.174)

This little thought is presented without an owner, but after the events, it’s clear that Justice Wargrave is the one thinking these things about Dr. Armstrong, and the Wargrave just might be the biggest liar of them all.

Quote #5

The doctor said, still in the same lifeless voice:

“Got him through the head. Instantaneous.” (13.149-15)

Dr. Armstrong is a pretty good liar. He’s got everyone on the island fooled here—hey, he even had us fooled. Too bad Wargrave is an even better liar.

Quote #6

Vera said vehemently:

“I didn’t! I didn’t! You’ve no right to say that!” (15.178-179)

Even when it’s just her and Lombard at the end, Vera can’t admit that she let Cyril drown. Come on, Vera. We’re all friends here. (Except for the crazy murderer, but you know.)