Angela's Ashes Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Malachy goes to England to work in a rich Catholic boys' boarding school, and he walks around cheerful and smiling as if he's the equal of any boy in the school and everyone knows when you work in an English boarding school you're supposed to hang your head and shuffle like a proper Irish servant. They fire him for his ways and Malachy tells them they can kiss his royal Irish arse and they say that's the kind of foul language you'd expect. (17.175)

Poor Malachy's the victim of stereotypes and prejudice. He finds out what happens when you don't know your place. He's just a confident, happy guy, and they see that as "uppity." He ends up coming home and working in the coal mines. Like Frank, he sees only one escape—America.