Angels in America, Part One: Millennium Approaches Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #1

Louis: Sorry I didn't introduce you to... I always get so closety at these family things. (1.4.8)

After Louis' grandmother's funeral, Louis apologizes to his partner, Prior, for not introducing him to his family. Even though Louis seems to be pretty open about his sexual identity, he still feels the need to hide it around his family.

Quote #2

Louis: Well, oh boy. A Gay Republican. [...]
Joe: [...] I'm not gay. (1.6.29-31)

When Louis first meets Joe, he assumes Joe is gay because of the way he talks. Joe, still deeply in the closet, refuses to admit that he's gay, although later in the play he acknowledges that he's always been interested in men. Joe's conservative upbringing seems to make it hard for him to come to terms with his sexual identity.

Quote #3

Harper: You think you're the only one who hates sex; I do; I hate it with you; I do. I dream that you batter away at me till all my joints come apart, like wax, and I fall into pieces. (1.8.36)

Wow, that sounds like the worst sex ever. Joe and Harper do not have a healthy sex life, to say the least. Joe avoids sex like the plague, and even when they do have sex, neither one feels connected to the other.