Angle of Repose True or False

1. Who says, "But I love you, my darling, do you see? He's kept you from us for five years, he's taken you out of the world you belong in"? -> Thomas Hudson
2. Who says, "You'd rather us live away from you, in some furnished room, than spend my perfectly good money for a house where we could be a family?" -> Susan Ward
3. Who says, "Or look at your grandfather. Is this manifesto so different from the come-on he wrote for the Idaho Mining and Irrigation Company?" -> Shelly Rasmussen
4. Who says, "I'm just a big green boy too honest for his own good. I'm not smart enough to play these poker games with grown men"? -> Oliver Ward
5. Who says, "I'm not writing a book of Western history. I'm writing about something else. A marriage, I guess"? -> Shelly Rasmussen
