Animal Nutrition and Digestion True or False

1. The type of nitrogenous waste an animal will make depends on its       and       requirements. -> energy / water
2. When in fresh water, salmon are       to their environment and excrete       urine. -> hypoosmotic / dilute
3. Within the nephron, active transport of NaCl occurs at the      . -> Distal tubule
4. Filtrate in the medulla is       compared with the filtrate in the cortex. -> Hyperosmotic
5. RAAS describes the process of renin conversion into      . -> Angiotensin II
6. Aldosterone responds to       to cause      . -> Increased Angiotensin II / increased NaCl reabsorption
7. Fatty acids are not absorbed in the small intestine. Rather, they are packaged into       and sent through the lymphatic system. -> Triglycerides
8.       and       work together in the kidney to regulate pH. -> K+ / HCO3-
9. Increased blood volume stimulates the release of ANP. This peptide directly blocks       release to control blood volume. -> ADH
10. In the stomach, gastrin release stimulates the release of       from      . -> HCO3- / parietal cells
