Annie John Visions of Antigua Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

We walked home in the hot midmorning sun mostly without event. (2.5)

The hot sun is a constant in this novel. For Annie, this hot midmorning sun grows to be oppressive.

Quote #2

For instance, the headmistress, Miss Moore. I knew right away that she had come to Antigua from England, for she looked like a prune left out of its jar a long time and she sounded as if she had borrowed her voice from an owl. (3.3)

This is one of the excellent similes in the novel. Here, the English headmistress is compared to a prune and sounds like an owl, an image that gives us the visual and also an idea of the sound of her voice.

Quote #3

We cut through the tamarind grove, we cut through a cherry-tree grove, we passed down the lane where all the houses had elaborate hedges growing in front, so that nothing was visible but the upstairs windows. (3.16)

In this description of the places Gwen and Annie pass on their daily walk home, we're given a mini-tour of Antiguan beauty through its fruit frees and plant life. Sometimes Kinkaid makes this place look a-mazing.