Annie John Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I was afraid of the dead, as was everyone I knew. (1.2)

This is true for most people, right? But the reason for Annie's fear of death is the belief that the dead could come back to haunt you. Check out the theme of "The Supernatural" for more on this.

Quote #2

One day, a girl smaller than I, a girl whose mother was a friend of my mother's, died in my mother's arms. (1.4)

The death of this girl, Nalda, is a major trauma in Annie's life. It introduces the fear that a child could be separated from her mother through death.

Quote #3

But then I began to go in and take a look. The first time I actually saw a dead person, I didn't know what to think. Since it wasn't someone I knew, I couldn't make a comparison. (1.10)

Annie seems to be able to view a dead body more like a scientist than a child. What gives her this ability to distance herself to the death? What else is Annie able to distance herself from?