Anthem Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But it is a sin to give men names which distinguish them from other men. Yet we call them the Golden One, for they are not like the others. The Golden One are not like the others. (2.12)

Individuals in Equality 7-2521's society are not allowed to have any names that might give them an individual identity. That's why all of their names are combinations of numbers and social values – their names mark them off as part of society, and nothing else. Equality 7-2521, however, has here come up with an individual name for the woman he's in love with: he's given her an individual identity. And by doing that, he's started to give himself an individual identity as well, because the name and identity he's given to Liberty 5-3000 exists only for him, the man who loves her.

Quote #5

Men never see their own faces and never ask their brothers about it, for it is evil to have concern for their own faces or bodies. But tonight, for a reason we cannot fathom, we wish it were possible to us to know the likeness of our own person. (5.11)

Individuals in Equality 7-2521's society are also not allowed to see their own bodies – presumably because that would reinforce a sense of individual self. Only others can see what they look like. In a very real way, then, they exist only for others.

Quote #6

We are old now, yet we were young this morning, when we carried our glass box through the streets of the City to the Home of the Scholars. (7.2)

Equality 7-2521 feels as if he has aged greatly over the course of one day. This is because his understanding of himself and his relation to his society has undergone a profound change.