Artemis and Actaeon Photos

Artemis and Actaeon Photos

Renaissance Violence
A hunting dog goes for the jugular in this Renaissance painting. [Diana and Actaeon by Matteo Balducci, 1554]

Intruder Alert!
"Whoa, there buddy. What are you doing here?!" [Diana and Actaeon by Titian, 1556-59]

Think Fast, Actaeon
Titian later painted The Death of Actaeon, which features Artemis as the main subject instead of Actaeon. How very diplomatic of him. [The Death of Actaeon by Titian, 1562]

Back Off, Buddy
Diana tells Actaeon to talk to the hand. [Diana and Actaeon by Louis Galloche, 1725]

Lazin' Away the Day
Diana chillin' like a boss in her private day spa. [The Bath of Diana by Noel-Nicolas Coypel, 1732]