As I Ebb'd With the Ocean of Life Resources


All Whitman, All the Time

The Whitman Archive can satisfy all your Whitman needs.

Whitman's Brooklyn

Take a virtual ticket to the New York that Whitman knew.


Homemade Tribute

It may not be Spielberg, but we think the visuals go pretty well with the poem.

American Experience

It doesn't get much more American, or experiential, than Whitman.


Our Stamp of Approval

Come for the somber reading; stay to admire the Whitman stamp.


The Poet

Here he is—the poet himself.

Man of Steel

This steel engraving of the poet is used inside many editions of Leaves of Grass.

Articles and Interviews

Contemporary Reviews

Here's a wealth of Whitman reviews. Everyone's a critic.

Walt Whitman Quarterly Review

Enjoy this motherload of Whitman articles and interviews.


The Complete Poems

Here you can get all the Whitman you can handle.

The Original Leaves of Grass

Whitman tinkered with it for years, but here's the first published edition.