Atalanta's Clique: Hunting Club

Atalanta's Clique: Hunting Club

This clique is all about the great outdoors. Well, hunting animals in the great outdoors anyway. There's no doubt that Atalanta is one of the most famous women in this group. For being the first to bloody the Calydonian Boar, she sure deserves her spot.

Artemis (Diana)

Artemis is the president of this club. Being the goddess of the hunt, she kind of has to be, right? Her favorite thing to do is to run around in the woods, hunting with her swarm of virginal nymphs and her pack of dogs.


Orion is definitely one the stars of this group. In fact, his constellation in the sky is sometimes just called "the Hunter." He was such an awesome hunter that he used to kick it with Artemis herself.


This guy is a hunter and a notorious amateur peeping tom. When he spied on Artemis while she was taking a bath in a forest pool, the goddess of the hunt turned him into a stag, and had his own dogs rip him apart. (Yikes.)


This son of Theseus is a great hunter and disciple of Artemis. Unluckily for him, his step-mom Phaedra had a thing for him. When he rejected her, she took revenge by telling Theseus that he'd tried to rape her. Hippolytus met his death when Theseus got Poseidon to send a sea monster to spook his horses. Poor Hippolytus was never to hunt again (unless you believe the story that Asclepius raised him from the dead).