Avengers: Age of Ultron Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Quote #4

Ultron: You know what's in that cradle? The power to make real change. And that terrifies you. Captain America: I wouldn't call it a comfort.

Cap's honesty is revealing here. Do humans as a species really want to change? Just a casual glance at the news headlines will tell you that we are just…the worst. And don't get us started on YouTube comments. Still, what would it take to change our species' behavior overnight? The way Ultron sees it, Cap's just afraid to take the plunge. Of course, the prospective murder of billions is probably also going to get under Captain America's well-starched collar.

Quote #5

Ultron: I think a lot about meteors, the purity of them. Boom! The end. Start again. The world made clean for the new man to rebuild.

Ultron's vision of transformation is a wild hybrid of biblical and scientific transformations. He's just as inspired by Noah as he is by the dinosaurs, who were wiped out by a meteorite strike. We have to admit, there are days when think he might be on to something—particularly on days when we get cut off in traffic or watch too much cable news. Still, how much would humanity really change if it had to go through a meteor-induced holocaust? Might we all just turn out more like Mad Max than ever before? That possibility is not something that Ultron seems to acknowledge.

Quote #6

Captain America: Ultron thinks we're monsters, that we're what's wrong with the world. This is not just about beating him. It about whether he's right. 

Geez, thanks, Cap. No pressure or anything. In this line, C.A. puts the Avengers' conflict in terms of transformation: Ultron wants to destroy and change it; the Avengers want to protect and preserve it. In that, they're also saying, "Hey, we're okay with human beings just the way they are. They're good enough, they're smart enough, and gol-darn it, superheroes like them." Right back atcha, man.