Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)’s Timeline and Summary

Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Captain America sits alone in a gym as various punching bags taste his wrath. (He goes through them very quickly.)
  • Nick Fury shows up and asks for his help in tracking down Loki and the Tesseract.
  • He heads for the SHIELD Helicarrier, where he hooks up with Dr. Banner and the Black Widow to figure out where the Tesseract went.
  • Loki attacks in Stuttgart, and Captain America steps in to stop him, quickly joined by Iron Man and the Black Widow.
  • On the way back to the Helicarrier, Thor attacks and takes Loki. After urging caution from Iron Man—who ignores him—he leaps after his ally and steps in just in time to prevent Iron Man and Thor from killing each other.
  • They head back to the Helicarrier and he and the team try to figure out where Loki left the Tesseract…and why he's okay with being locked up.
  • He mixes it up with Iron Man, who he thinks is a self-serving glory hound and not a real hero.
  • Their chest-beating is interrupted by an attack on the Helicarrier by Loki's minions.
  • Cap helps Iron Man in restoring the Helicarrier's sabotaged engines, but is left seriously bummed out when Loki gets away anyway (oh yeah, and kills Agent Coulson).
  • As they assess the cost, Steve and Tony hit upon Loki's plan.
  • He joins up with Hawkeye and Black Widow to fly to New York and stop Loki, while Stark goes ahead.
  • The arrive in Manhattan with the portal open and Chitauri invaders strutting around like they own the place. Tony politely but firmly explains why they need to turn around right now.
  • The plane carrying Cap, and piloted by Black Widow and Hawkeye, gets hit by the invaders and goes down. They emerge more or less unscathed and ready for battle.
  • Iron Man radios in that he's bringing a huge monster to them, right as Dr. Banner arrives and Hulks out in Maximum Awesome fashion.
  • Cap rallies them and guides each of them to the spot in the invasion where they can bash the most aliens.
  • He and Black Widow fight on the ground, before he gives Black Widow a boost onto a flying Chitauri scooter (she's going to try and shut down the power source).
  • He stops a gang of Chitauri from wiping out civilians huddled in an office building.
  • He gets his by a Chitauri blast, but rises again with a little help from Thor.
  • Black Widow says she can shut the portal down. He's about to let her before Iron Man arrives, guiding the nuke sent by SHIELD into the breach.
  • He warns Stark that "It's a one-way trip," but Stark goes ahead.
  • He watches as Iron Man flies the nuke into the breach, then orders the wormhole closed before the nuclear blast clears it.
  • He watches some more as Tony falls out of the hole right before it closes, and Hulk catches him.
  • He and the rest of the Avengers take Loki into custody.
  • After seeing Thor and Loki back to Asgard, he shakes hands with Tony before motorcycling off into the sunset (or The Winter Soldier, whichever comes first.)