The Avengers Resources



Here's the cast and crew, for those interested.

Rotten Tomatoes Page

The critics are in…and all in one place. They seem to dig it.

Roger Ebert's Review

The late great movie critic shares his thoughts.

Book or TV Adaptations

The Comics has the basics on the characters' comic book origins.

Avengers Assemble

The hit movie begat the new animated series, which premiered in 2013.

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes

Before the movie came out, there was this animated series, which Disney replaced with Avengers Assemble.

Marvel Has the Comic Book Hook-Up

Interested in following the characters in their original medium? Check out

Articles and Interviews

Cast and Crew Are Interviewed

A passel of interviews from cast and crew

More Interviews

As you may have suspected, they got a lot of ink on this.

Joss Interview

Joss Whedon talks to an interviewer about directing The Avengers.


The Teaser

Here's the teaser for the film, which originally ran in front of Captain America.

The Trailer

The second trailer, or "official" trailer depending on how fussy you get about these things.

The Second Trailer

The final trailer for the film.

The Premiere

A two-hour live feed at the official premiere of the film in downtown Hollywood.


The Poster

The original poster for the movie, featuring the whole team in action.

Concept Art

Some of the original imagery used to inspire the filmmakers. Well done, Mr. Artist.

Behind the Scenes

Director Joss Whedon shows Mark Ruffalo—decked out in the mo-cap uniform—how exactly Thor is going to hit him.

More Behind the Scenes

Posing for the green screens while fighting invisible aliens.

The Original Cover

Here's the original cover to the very first comic book, all the way back in 1963.