Babbitt Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He was dismayed by a sudden contempt for his surest friends. He grasped Louetta Swanson's hand, and found the comfort of human warmth. (9.1.50)

As he becomes more and more rebellious, Babbitt realizes that he doesn't actually like half of the people he has always considered to be his friends. To him, they're all phony and money-crazed. In these moments, he tends to reach out to other people in search of comfort. Especially women he finds attractive.

Quote #5

They looked at each other in a grin of understanding. Paul took the plug, gnawed at it. They stood quiet, their jaws working. (11.3.3)

Babbitt and Paul get a rare moment of happiness when they head off to Maine together away from their families. The two of them often talk about leaving behind their normal, boring lives. But ultimately, both of them know that they'll never be able to do it.

Quote #6

"Well, you know what it means to me, Georgie. Saved my life." (11.4.11)

In a tender moment, Paul Riesling tells Babbitt that their trip to Maine has "saved his life." Paul, you see, has an absolutely terrible relationship with his wife Zilla, which makes his friendship with Babbitt the greatest thing going for him… and maybe the only thing going for him.