Babbitt Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Often, in the month after, he got near to telling her, but it was pleasant to have a girl in his arms, and less and less could he insult her by blurting that he didn't love her. (6.4.21)

When Babbitt first met Myra, he wasn't all that into her. But one night after drinking, he kissed her and she took this as meaning that they were officially engaged. As you can imagine, Babbitt got freaked out. But over time, he decided that it was easier to just go with the flow and marry Myra instead of taking the effort to break things off. How's that for romance?

Quote #8

Each morning they lay abed till the breakfast-bell, pleasantly conscious that there were no efficient wives to rouse them. (11.4.1)

No doubt about it: Paul and Babbitt love their time away from their wives. One of the best perks is being able to sleep in without their wives bugging them to get up. But at the end of the day, this is only a temporary satisfaction. Both men know that they'll eventually have to go back to their normal lives.

Quote #9

"Riesling absolutely refuses to have any testimony reflecting on his wife. He insists on pleading guilty." (22.1.36)

Even though he has always blamed Zilla for pushing him over the edge of sanity, Paul refuses to say anything about her when the time comes to defend himself at his trial. Maybe the guy has finally learned to take responsibility for his own problems instead of blaming everything on his wife.